Food, work and Beijing’s first smog

Apart from more wonderful meals over the last two days – that I am happily sharing with you in the picture gallery – work has started as of Sunday (yes, Sunday!) morning 10 am!

However, after all the pre-work and preparations during the past weeks all of us were eagerly waiting to meet our clients and get started. My teammates and I are lucky with our clients at the China Youth Developement Foundation. They seem to be really nice people, but due to the language barrier it will most likely take a few days to get to know each other better. I’ll be talking some more about our project as soon as we have finalized the scope of work.

Today was the first heavy smog day that I experienced in Beijing to which people in the office euphemistically referred to as haze. Well, maybe this is a way to cope with the inevitable situation if you live and work in the city. It is supposed to be raining tomorrow – let’s see if we then get a bit clear sky.

  2 comments for “Food, work and Beijing’s first smog

  1. Rami
    04/01/2015 at 06:46

    Hört sich alles sehr, sehr spannend an. Hier ist kein smog, aber Orkansturm. Ich wünsche dir einen schönen 1. April.

    • 04/01/2015 at 12:43

      Danke Dir! Ich hoffe, bei euch ist alles heil geblieben während des Sturms. Habe online Bilder gesehen…sehr heftig!

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